The fundraising efforts of British Army Veteran Steven Hughes were recently bought to our attention.
Having been impacted by a cervical spinal cord injury Steven has chosen to invest his time since leaving the army in tackling fundraising challenge after challenge, even gaining a couple of World Records in the process.

SitSking John O’Groats to Lands End
This year Steven has set himself the target of gaining the World Record for the fastest time to sitski from John O’Groats to Lands End. That’s setting off from the tip of Scotland, travelling down the coast until reaching the toe of the UK in Lands End.
We believe that is one imposing task!
Raising Funds For Charity
If that alone wasn’t enough, Steven will be raising funds for Arctic One Foundation, Holidays for Heroes Jersey and Bike Tours for the Wounded. He’s currently set his fundraising target at £20,000 and we wish him every success in achieving it.

Arctic One Foundation
Working to make sport accessible to all and aims to provide people, groups and clubs with disabilities the opportunity to get involved in sport and become more active

Holidays for Heroes Jersey
Offering members of the UK Armed Forces, past and present, who have suffered injuries as a result of their service, a relaxing weeks holiday in Jersey.

Bike Tours for the Wounded
Offering funded places on one of a kind veteran motorcycle tours.
Given the length of time he’ll be exposed to the British Weather and the requirements for rest stops during this challenge. Steven realised they’d require a support vehicle. This is where we stepped in.

Checking that we had availability we’ve made one of our Welfare Van Hire fleet available for Steven for the duration of his record-breaking challenge. He and his support team will all benefit from having the mobile facilities to wash, cook find and of course you can never underestimate a hot cup of tea or coffee.
Our Welfare Van Hire Supporting #OneBigPushJogle
We’re sure Steven and his team will appreciate having one of Hire Welfare Vans on the road with them. Helping to increase their visibility during on road/roadside breaks.
Stevens record attempt is due to commence on 2nd June 2022 and he’ll be looking to complete his journey in under 2 weeks.